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How to onboard your members

When it comes to onboarding your members, you have several options at your disposal. Ultimately, the option you choose will depend on the amount of time or money you have to devote to completing the task.

Obviously, this is the “big lift” part of the equation for most organizations so take a moment to review which option is the best fit for your organization before proceeding.

Option 1 – Roll up your sleeves and get to work

So you’re either a control freak or maybe the go-getter type and everyone knows if you want the job done right, well… you do it yourself! You’re in luck because this option has two routes you can take depending on just how much effort you really want to put into – arguably – the most important step when joining Memberment.

A. Let your members self-onboard

This is the best option if you want to retain control but let others do the heavy lifting. If you choose this path, you’ll use your current means of communication (Facebook, email, post office, pigeon carrier, etc) to send out your organization’s “invitation code” to each member along with an introduction to Memberment and instructions to go to the website or download the app and sign up for an account.

This case-sensitive code can be used by your members to select “Join Organization” where they will then enter the code. At that point they will be placed in a pending status with no access to your organization and shown a message that they will gain access one they have been approved.

On your end, you will see when you have pending members at which point you can select that member, verify they belong, place them into any accounts if needed, then approve them. If using the Accounts feature, you can even allow members to manage their own accounts which would allow them to enter any other members in their account and the whole pending to approval process starts again.

That’s it! They do all the work and you just be the gatekeeper. To dive deeper into self-onboarding, check out What is an invitation code?

B. Enter all member information yourself

If you choose this route, you either have just a few members or you really like to be in control. There’s not much else to say about this approach. You’ll just go into the Members section and start adding people. Anyone with an email address will be sent an invitation to join Memberment on behalf of your organization.

Once they login, they will have access to your organization and will not require approval from you. You can learn more about this in How to add a new member.

Option 2 – Let us do it for you

We’re all a little busier than we want to be these days. We get it. Contact us for a quote to handle taking your membership from a spreadsheet to Memberment.

We’ll send you an Excel spreadsheet to complete that includes member data like first and last name, email, birthday, gender, etc. From there, we’ll import it through our magic machine and everyone with an email will be sent an invitation to complete their signup where, once complete, they will immediately have access to your organization.

For more information, please contact sales@memberment.com.

Updated on February 18, 2021
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